LSU Health New Orleans Newsroom

How to Safely Watch Solar Eclipse 2017

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On August 21, 2017, people in the United States will have the opportunity to see one of nature's most awesome sights -- a total eclipse of the sun. Although Louisiana is not on the path to see its totality, about 75% of it will be visible in New Orleans.

Looking directly at the sun can cause permanent vision loss, so the LSU Health New Orleans Department of Ophthalmology shares tips and resources for safe viewing.

Dr. Maria Reinoso, LSU Health New Orleans retina specialist, cautions people to make sure their eclipse glasses are certified. Read the full news story produced by Louisiana Radio Network for radio stations throughout the state here.

The American Astronomical Society prepared a list of Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters and Viewers. These include companies with which members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force have had prior experience as well as companies whose products have been certified safe by authorities they recognize and whose certification they have confirmed to be genuine. The list is, available here.

Dr. Maria Reinoso
LSU Health New Orleans ophthalmologist, Dr. Lisa Dang shared tips on WWL-TV Eyewitness Morning News.

Dr. Lisa Dang WWLTV

Dr. Dang also contributed to a medical story on WWL-TV about safe viewing.

AAO Eclipse Infographic
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has prepared a Solar Eclipse Eye Safety infographic, as well as a list of safety tips to view or photograph the eclipse.

Visit NASA's Eclipse 2017 website for complete information about safety, science, education, events and a host of resources.

Live video streams of the August 21 total solar eclipse, from NASA Television and locations across the country, will be available here.

LSU is also teaming up with NASA to live stream the first ever high-altitude live broadcast of a total solar eclipse via two high-altitude balloons equipped with video cameras. Learn more about the project here. The balloons will be launched at 11:51 am CDT on August 21, 2017. It should take about 90 minutes to reach the ideal location for capturing the totality at its peak.